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Monday, March 15, 2010

Branches of Biology

Biology is the study of living organisms that include plants, animals and micro-organisms. There are several special branches or disciplines of botany. Basically there are three branches dealing about plants , animals and micro-organisms . They are as follows:
1.Botany- study of plants
2.Zoology-study of animals.
3. Microbiology- Study of microorganisms.
Besides, these three there are other various branches of biology dealing with the study of respective subjects which are as follows:
1.Morphology- It deals with the study of external features of organisms.
2.Anatomy- It is the study of internal structure of organisms as seen by naked eyes.
3.Histology-Study of functions and minute structure of tissues with the help of microscope.
4.Cytology-It deals with the study of structure and functioning of cells and cell organelles.
5.Evolution-Study of origin of life and evolution to modern plants and animals.
6.Embryology- Study of formation of embryo upto hatching or birth.
7. Physiology- Study of life processes in animals and plants.e.g digestion, respiration,excretion, growth etc.
8. Pathology- Study of diseases.
9. Paleontology- Study of plant or animals fossils.
10. Biotechnology- Study of using techniques to modify the organisms and their products for human benefit.
11. Taxonomy- Study of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms and its principles.
12. Genetic engineering- Study of producing desireable genotypes by synthesis and combination of different genes.
13. Genetics- Study of hereditary characters and their inheritance.
14. Ecology- Study of relationship between living organisms and environment.
15.Biochemistry-Study of chemistry of living organisms.
16.Molecular biology- Study of nature and arrangement of molecules and their interactions. eg structure and functions of DNA, RNA, proteins, fats, hormones etc.
17.Exobiology- Study of possibility of life in outer space.
18. Applied biology- Study of living organisms concerned with welfare and betterment of mankind.
19. Limnology- Study of fresh water and their inhabitants.
20. Cryobiology- Study of effects of life at very low temperature.
21. Phylogency- Study of evolution of a kind or type of an organ.
Besides all these there are also so many branches or disciplines related to both botany and zoology . Some of the branches related to zoology are given as under
1. Entomology- Study of insects.
2. Ichthyology- Study of fishes.
3. Helminthology- Study of helminth worms.
4. Protozoology- Study of unicellular organisms.
5. Microbiology- Study of micro organisms.
6. Malcology- Study of molluscs.
7. Euthenics- Study of improvement of human race through laws of heredity.
6. Karyology- Study of nucleus.
9. Virology- Study of virus.
10. Herpetology- Study of reptiles.
11. Anthropology- Study of human evolution and culture.
12. Cnidology- Study of coelenterates.
13. Parasitology- Study of parasitic worms.
14. Ornithology- Study of birds.
15. Mammalogy- Study of mammals.
Zoology related to medical science
1. Bacteriology- Study of bacteria.
2. Virology- Study of virus causing diseases.
3. Epidemiology- Study of epidemics diseases.
4. Immunology- Study of defense and resistance against any disease.
5. Helminthology- Study of helminth worms.
6. Parasitology- Study of parasites.
7. Enzymology- Study of enzymes.
8. Hematology- Study of blood.
9. Cardiology- Study of heart.
10. Oesteology- Study of bones.
11.Endocrinology- Study of endocrine gland.

Branches related to Botany

1. Algalogy or phycology- study of algae.
2. Mycology orMycetology- Study of fungi.
3. Zymology- Study of yeas.
4. Bryology-Study of Bryophytes.
5. Pteridology- Study of Pteridophytes.
6. Lichenology- Study of lichens.
7. Bacteriology- Study of Bacteria.
8. Virology- Study of virus.
9. Ecophysiology- Study of physiological adaptation in relation of environment.
10. Economic Botany- Study of plants of economic values.
11. Pomology- Study of fruits.
12. Olericulture- Study of vegetables.
13. Silviculture- Study of development of forest and utilization of it's product.
14. Spermology- Study of seed.
15. Dendrochronology- Study of age of tree by counting annual rings.
16. Pedology- Study of soil.
17. Palynology- Study of pollen grains.
18. Forestry- Study of development and protection of forest.
19. Food technology- Study of processing and preservation of foods, vegetables, fruits and other plant products.
20. Horticulture- Study of improvement of ornamental and fruit yielding plants.
21. Agronomy- Study of crop production and management of crop forms.
22. Agrostology- Study of grasses.

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